Books: What Does This Button Do? / Bruce Dickinson (2017)


『Chemical Wedding』(2008年)(米国では『Crowley』として公開)は、Bill and Ben ProductionsがロンドンのFocus Filmsと共同で製作したイギリスのSFホラー映画です。監督はジュリアン・ドイル。ヘビーメタルバンド、アイアン・メイデンのフロントマン、ブルース・ディッキンソンのオリジナル脚本に基づく物語です。

ちなみに、ディッキンソンは1998年に『The Chemical Wedding』というソロアルバムを発表していますが、映画のサウンドトラックのタイトルとタイトル曲を共有しているにもかかわらず、それ以外は無関係です。

このアルバムは、どちらかといえば、ブレイクやミルトンからインスピレーションが強く、『ミルトン』の序詩に独自に曲をつけた「エルサレム」(Jerusalem)というタイトルの曲があります。このアルバムでディッキンソンは、ブレイクのテンペラ画『蚤のゴースト』(The Ghost of A Flea)をジャケットに用い、ブレイク神話の登場人物セルやユリゼンについての曲「セルの書」(Book of Thel)や「ユリゼンの門」(Gates of Urizen)を歌います。またこのアルバムでは『ユリゼンの書』(The Book of Urizen)および『ミルトン』の一節が朗読され、次の楽曲への導入的効果を果たしながら楽曲同士を繋げている。Wikipedia


There is a William Blake painting, Nebuchadnezzar, which is on the cover of Atomic Rooster’s album Death Walks Behind You. The king’s face looks out in horror as he realises what he is becoming: he is transforming slowly into a beast.

That painting was my reflection.
What has happened to you for the last year?
I asked myself. And what can you do to stem the insanity?

I checked if my foot was morphing into a beast’s. It wasn’t – not yet, anyway. There was still time, and I did have two bread rolls in hand.




Most of the album was heavily influenced by Blake – not just in a literal sense, but in a spiritual one. Blake was almost certainly an alchemist or member of a group relating to the occult or magical philosophy. At the same time, I was struck by his two characters ‘Los’ and ‘Urizen’. Los (or Sol backwards) was creative and doomed forever to have his head buried in a bucket of fire, symbolising the torture of the endlessly creative soul. Urizen was the cold repository of logic, chained to a rock, dismal and brooding.

To me they seemed like characters in Blake’s subconscious, acting out the drama in his soul, expressed as art and poetry. I had some inkling of what it felt like to love the creativity but be held back by the grim realities of the commercial and the fear of change. I could relate to Blake.

I rented a small apartment in Santa Monica and filled the walls with Blake prints. I thought I might drive myself slightly mad with designing the words to the album. I was stepping in and out of a drug-free dream state. Back in the studio, Roy was busy brushing up on his mandolin playing. I had decided to rewrite Blake’s poem ‘Jerusalem’ more as the pagan-alchemical verse I thought represented its true meaning, rather than the hymn. Blake, I think, would have been horrified at the jingoistic interpretation put on his anti-materialistic message.

I had already used tarot-card imagery in Maiden songs – in particular ‘Revelations’, with the Hanged Man – but working with Blake meant that the Fool, the Tower and the Lovers could all make appearances on The Chemical Wedding.

The cover art was a Blake painting, The Ghost of a Flea. The Blake Society gave permission for its use, and by the time the album was released the University of East Anglia’s English department invited me to give a seminar about William Blake. 

I was delighted to accept, although I think the lecturer in charge thought I was slightly mad. When the time came to take The Chemical Wedding on tour, I had a problem. Roy Z was not available. His health was sometimes fragile on tour; not only that, but the success of the record and its fantastic critical reception meant that his star as a record producer was on the rise.




私はすでにメイデンの曲でタロットカードのイメージを使っていました。特に「Revelations」では吊るされた男が登場しますが、ブレイクと一緒に仕事をすることで、「The Chemical Wedding」では愚者、塔、恋人たちがすべて登場することができました。

ジャケットの絵はブレイクの絵「The Ghost of a Flea」である。ブレイク協会から使用許可を得て、アルバムがリリースされる頃には、イースト・アングリア大学の英語学科から、ウィリアム・ブレイクについてのセミナーを開くようにと招待されていました。



