Study: The dispeller of ignorance is called Guru.

“The dispeller of ignorance is called Guru. In this two lettered word, ‘gu’ stands for darkness, and ‘ru’ means, the remover of darkness. It is the ignorance of one’s own self that causes all misery and suffering. This ignorance can be removed only by a person who himself has known or realized the Self.

“According to Sir Vendanta Desika, the chief characteristics of a a Guru are: He must be ‘Siddha’ ( Perfect), and have complete knowledge of the ‘parampara’ (tradition), well versed in scriptures (‘shaastras’), firmly rooted in Brahman (the Supreme Self); truthful and ‘saatvik’ (Godly and pure); should have unblemished conduct, and be free from vanity and jealously, a master of the sense-organs and a dependable friend, compassionate and ready to punish a student, when he goes astray, and dedicated to the spiritual welfare of himself and others.

“Those sincerely desirous of obtaining the knowledge of the ‘Self’ and the consequent liberation from ‘samsaara’ (worldly bondage) i.e., the cycle of births and deaths, should aspire for and approach such a ‘Guru’.” –Sri Swamiji

SOURCE: Sadguru Sookti Sangraha #8






SOURCEサドグル・ソクティ・サングラハ 第8回