The Origin and History of Halloween

It has been coming alive for Halloween in London!

To my surprise, all friends of mine know the Japanese horror films of 'The Ring' and 'Juon'. Some friends told me that these Japanese films are scarier than any other film in the world!

Anyway, do you know where Halloween originated?
I was pretty impressed with its origin and history. It resembles Japanese "Obon".
I try to summarize it in English.

Halloween means "All-Hallows-Even (evening)", that is, the night before All Hallows(saints/souls) Day.

Although Halloween is famous in North America, Ireland, and UK now, it used to be a harvest festival at 'the end of the summer ' of ancient Celtic polytheism. This festival is called 'Samhain'. This festivalwas celebrated on October 31, and their new year started on November 1.

Celts believed that on this night the dead could come back and communicate with the living. The Celts also used to light great bonfires. The spirits of the dead would appear in the smoke of the bonfire, and also the souls of children who were about to be born.

Traditionally, New Year's Eve festivals such as this were a time for playing tricks and practical jokes. Turnips were used to hide the faces and turnip lanterns were used to scare away evil spirits.

A custom of 'trick or treat' still survives today. Children wearing masks on people's doors asking for candies/sweets (treats). If people refuse to give the children anything, then the children play some
practical joke on them (trick), such as removing gates, whitewashing over house windows, hiding animal, etc.

Later when Christianity became strong, the Church tried to suppress the pagan festival by replacing it with a Christian festival of the dead. In this case only the saintly dead were remembered, and it
became known as All Hallows(saints/souls)' eve.

Although Halloween has root in the Celtic festival and the Christian holiday, it is largely a secular celebration today.

