Study: Guru Gita 6: Dear Consort! You are my true replica.

Preamble: Now Lord Siva answers:
mama rūpāsi dēvi tvaṁ tvadbhaktyā tadvadāmyaham ।
lōkōpakārakaḥ praśnaḥ krt̥aḥ kēnāpi nō purā ll
"Dear Consort! You are my true replica. I tell you this out of all love for you. Your question is very useful to all the worlds. So far none has questioned Me like this,” said Siva.

In this context you should know the quality of incantation. Some chant the Mantras loudly. But if the sound does not come out and goes on like a murmur with the movement of lips, it is better. But this is only a middle course. No sound should come out, and lips and tongue too should not move. Silent repetition of the Mantra in mind is the best. Its result is a thousand times greater. Chanting should be done in a happy mood. That happiness reflects in the face when done with the experience of the bliss of the sacred formula. Some people put up an awkward face while chanting. Chanting goes on one side and the curse of thoughts run on the other, and that is the cause of their awkwardness. Obviously, it bodes no good.
Till now the Mother Goddess wishes such an initiation.
Siva says that none else has put such a question till then. What does it mean? All those saints are not ordinary. They are men of great penance and scholars in Vedas, besides being capable of counter creation. Yet, have they put this question?
Because people moving in the spiritual path have the natural trait of vanity. So, their attention does not direct them towards the quality of the Guru easily.
Just as the education with modesty, wealth with sacrifice, relatives with affection are rare, so also penance with devotion to Guru is a rare thing. It was the reason why Sankarāchārya wrote in GURU ASHTAKAM that inspite of all the resources, if one does not have devotion to Guru, it is of no use.
That was the reason why compassionate Parvati wanted the great saints to be initiated into the quality of the Guru and be elevated by putting that question to Lord Siva who says that He knew Her intention.



mama rūpāsi dēvi tvaṁ tvadbhaktyā tadvadāmyaham ।
lōkōpakārakaḥ praśnaḥ krt̥aḥ kēnāpi nō purā ll





「謙虚さを伴う教育」、「犠牲を伴う富」、「愛情を伴う親族」といった相反する特性の組み合わせが成立しにくいように、グルに対する「献身を伴う苦行」もまた稀なことなのです。シャカラ・チャーリヤが『GURU ASHTAKAM』で、すべての資源があってもグルに対する献身がなければ何の役にも立たないと書いたのはそのためです。