Some abandon Guru inspite of experiencing mental peace and happiness in his presence, thinking that ever since they got Him, their household troubles have increased. The severity of the tests the Guru puts us is illustrated in the ’Deepaka’ episode of the "Datta Purānā. Another similar episode is that of ’Aruni’ in the “Mahābhārata". Unlike Deepaka, many mistake the tests of their Guru for their own lapses and consequently think of changing the Guru for a better one. If anyone entertains such an idea, that is the very high—water mark of their fall.
Here, Swamiji gives a caution. Even if you commit any number of mistakes, the Guru will bear them all. But if you think of changing your Guru, you will never have another for the rest of your life. You have to think ten times, nay, a hundred times before deciding upon your Guru. Swamiji has given you some hints to decide upon your Guru.
Whenever you come across great people, you should think that your Guru has come in that form and serve them. But he should not be taken for your Guru.
Then why is Siva shown as Guru at several places in this book? The first reason is that this is the teaching to Pārvathi. For women, their husband is their chief Guru. When that husband has no capacity to initiate, both of them should approach the same Guru. Even then, the Guru blesses the wife through her husband. It is to indicate this tradition, it was said that Siva, the husband of Pārvathi was her Guru.
Source: Guru Gita
グルの前で精神的な平和と幸福を経験したにもかかわらず、グルを捨ててしまう人もいる。グルを得て以来、家庭の悩みが増えたと考える。グルが私たちに課すテストの厳しさは、 "Datta Purānā "の "Deepaka "のエピソードで説明されています。また、『マハーバーラタ』の「アルニ」のエピソードも同様である。ディーパカと違って、多くの人はグルのテストを自分の過ちと勘違いし、その結果、グルをもっと良い人に変えようと考える。もし誰かがそのような考えを抱くなら、それはまさに最高高度からの落下(最高難度のテスト)です。