Study: Sin and merit are not shared by anyone, not even your spouse or parent.

“Many lament that their children do not come to Swamiji. Let them not, why are you following them? Each one’s count of sin and merit is his own. Therefore, do not worry about others when you are with Swamiji. If you do, you will not come with me. I will sign a bond paper to guarantee you that. If you come to me, it is only you and me.

“There is only a single seat for each person, there is no double seat. If you are hungry, it is you who should eat. Will your hunger be removed if you feed your child or your neighbor? Sin and merit are not shared by anyone, not even your spouse or parent. Our sin and merit are our own. You must breathe if you want it be alive. You cannot ask your spouse to breathe for you because you are busy.

“The body turns into a corpse once the jeevi leaves. No one wants to keep the dead body at home for a long time. They may keep the deceased person’s shoes, but not the dead body. I am saying all this so we can learn to inculcate dispassion. If I do not tell you, no one else will.” –SGS  


"自分の子供がスワミジのところに来ない "と嘆く人は多い。そうさせないために、なぜあなたは彼らについていくのですか?罪と功徳の数え方は、それぞれ自分のものです。ですから、スワミジと一緒にいる時は、他人のことを心配してはいけません。もしそうするなら、あなたは私と一緒に来ないでしょう。それを保証するために、私は債券の紙にサインをします。もしあなたが私のところに来るなら、それはあなたと私だけのものです。


"ジーヴィ(生気、命) "が去れば、身体は死体に変わります。誰も死体を長い間家に置いておきたいとは思いません。亡くなった人の靴は置いても、死体は置かない。私がこのようなことを言うのは、私たちに冷静さを身につけさせるためです。私が言わなければ、誰も言わないでしょう。"-SGS
