Study: Several types of devotion are mentioned in our scriptures.

“Several types of devotion are mentioned in our scriptures. Among them, self-surrender (‘Atma-nivedana’) is considered to be the highest stage of devotion. Self-surrender requires complete effacement of the ego and the feelings of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship. It is necessary to surrender, at the feet of the Lord, our thoughts of yoga (acquiring that which is not with us at present) and kshema (preserving what is acquired), and work in the world as His instruments, with abiding faith in Him. Only then, we qualify ourselves to receive His grace.
“In the spiritual path, surrender implies throwing all responsibility on to God or Guru. When surrender takes place, you do not bear the burden any longer. When a person surrenders to the Divine, eventually he will realize that all his actions are the actions of God. The sense of I and mine are lost.
“Complete surrender is undoubtedly impossible in the beginning. The beginning is always of partial surrender, but the more the ego submits to the higher power, the quicker will be progress towards complete surrender. If you are travelling on a train, and yet continue to hold your load on your head, then who is to be blamed? You put the load down; it will reach the destination along with you. Hence, let us not pose ourselves as doers but surrender to the Divine Power which guides one and all.” –Sri Swamiji
SOURCE: Sadguru Sookti Sangraha #21-22


"完全な降伏 "は、間違いなく最初は不可能です。しかし、エゴがより高い力に従えば従うほど、完全な降伏への進歩は早くなります。もし、あなたが列車で旅をしていて、荷物を頭の上に乗せ続けているとしたら、誰が非難するのでしょうか?あなたが荷物を下ろせば、荷物もあなたと一緒に目的地に着くのです。だから、私たちは自分を実行犯と見せかけず、一人一人を導く神聖な力に身を委ねましょう」。-シュリ・スワミジ
SOURCE: Sadguru Sookti Sangraha #21-22