Study: Please try to understand, try to learn.

“Please try to understand, try to learn. You must tune yourself to whatever happens in your life. If there are miseries, you must go through them. Make friends with miseries. Demons are also your friends. If you keep saying: “I hate demons, oh, I hate them”, you are closing your mind, you are creating darkness. Dark. Close. You seem to like it. But it is very tiring for your soul. You are hurting your soul. Your nervous system is breaking down. You may get sick and die soon. Nobody can help you.
"So if you have a problem, you must face it. Don’t worry. Think about God. Do some good work. Say: ‘OK if this is my karma, I will face it no problem.’”

-SGS in 'Sri Swamiji in Austria' p.62


-「Sri Swamiji in Austria」P.62のSGS。