Books: Jeff Buckley: From Hallelujah to the Last Goodbye



I don’t think anybody’s music had really hit me with that immediacy before. He played a version of “Hallelujah” that made me feel totally bereft. I didn’t know it was a Cohen song, but his voice just struck a chord that broke my heart, and I just wanted to sob. I was so embarrassed, sitting there sobbing to myself.

これほどまでに即効性のある音楽は、これまで誰も聴いたことがなかったと思います。彼が演奏した "Hallelujah "のバージョンは、私の心を完全に打ちのめすものでした。コーエンのオリジナル曲とは知らなかったのですが、彼の歌声が私の心を打ち、すすり泣きたくなりました。恥ずかしながら、その場に座り込んで、一人号泣してしまいました。


Jeff Buckley Interview for Grace EPK, February 1994

I was captured by music at a really early age. I was really captured by it, everything about it. It was my mother. It was my father. It was my plaything. It was the best thing in my life. That had no face or name or body. And I wanted to be able to transmit that sort of feeling, that’s all… 

What do I want from the music? I want to get away from this whole thing. I just want to leave. I want to go someplace completely else. I want to forget what my name is. 
Music is endless. And even though I’ve heard a whole bunch of music from so many different places and fallen in love countless times with all kinds of music, there is still something; somewhere there’s just a vibe that’s completely mine and whoever’s playing with me. I guess it’s called freedom. Some other place. Like where you dream.
ジェフ・バックリー 「グレイス」EPKのためのインタビュー(1994年2月)より


