Dr. Sreedevi from Hyderabad has done extensive research on the effects and efficacy of cow-based products. Today, she conducted a few live experiments to demonstrate the quiet healing powers in Vibhuti, filtered gomutra and panchagavya (mixture prepared using milk, curd, ghee, gomutra and gomayam) which are all prepared at the Avadhoota Datta Peetham ashrama.
She used the BSV instrument which measures the conductivity of liquids. When the circuit is complete, the bulb on this machine will glow proportionate to the conducting power of the circuit.
BSV stand for the 3 components - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu which respectively measure the microbial, antioxidant and mineral content in the liquid.
Dr. Sreedevi explained that when the water which we drink has greater conductivity, the oxidation is less and results in greater purification as it has high anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants.
She then added Bhasma (sacred ash) which has been prepared in Pazhani (town in Tamil Nadu) as per HH’s instructions to another glass of water. Bhasma or Vibhuti contains high levels of Oxygen, and when mixed in water, it increases the antioxidants in it and helps cure us when ill. This is why many people add a pinch of Vibhuti to their drinking water.
When a small panchagavya tablet prepared at the ashrama is added to a glass of water, it takes time to dissolve in the gut, but it is packed with a high content of minerals and antioxidants. She then used an instrument to measure the aura of a person. When the person sat normally, his aura extended to 7 ft and reduced to 3.5 ft when he used his mobile phone to answer a call. This demonstrated the effect of electromagnetic radiation present in mobile phones. But when cow dung cakes were placed on his shoulders and head, and he received the call, the aura extended beyond 8 ft.
It is mind blowing how much curative power is present in such simple products obtained from deshi cows. The lesson for all of us is to spend time at Goshalas and protect these wonderful Gomatas who even if they ingest toxic plastic waste, give us nothing but nectar.
Sharing a video taken during the Padayatra from Mekedatu to Mysore last year. You can see some of the super cute fellows who live on the Bannur farm.
ハイデラバードの Sreedevi 博士は、牛由来の製品の効果や効能について幅広い研究を行っています。今日、彼女はいくつかのライブ実験を行い、Vibhuti(聖なる灰)、フィルター濾過済みgomutra(牛の尿)、panchagavya(ミルク、カード、ギー、gomutra(牛の尿)、gomayam(牛糞)を使って調製した混合物)の静かな治癒力を実証しました。これらはすべてAvadhoota Datta Peethamのアシュラムで調製されているものです。